Tutorial using Deeplab v3
A tutorial regarding the project.
TensorFlow Implementation using Pre-trained Models (MobileNet/DeepNet v3)
Ujjwal Singh1,2, Asmit Singh1,2, Bradly Alicea2,3
Version 1.0, CC-BY-SA-4.0 License
1 IIT Delhi, 2 OpenWorm Foundation, 2 Orthogonal Research and Education Laboratory
In order to implement a deep network analysis, you will need to do the following:
Create your dataset
Train your model
Test your models
Creating your dataset will depend on your domain of interest. You need to have a sizable sample (20-200 images) and perhaps use methods such as data augmentation [1] to improve the performance of your model.
We will also go through a brief explaination of how to train your model using TensorFlow and Deeplab. You can use any other models as well, these steps are going to be the same for almost all the models. Let us discuss the above steps in detail:
Creating a suitable dataset is the most essential aspect of TensorFlow implementation. You should keep in mind that your dataset must be accurate and should cover a large amount of variation related to your phenomenon of interest.
In the case of Bacillaria model training, we have split the microscopy data (movies) into a collection of image files. We have included both dark and light backgrounds to make our dataset more enriched and so that it covers a variety of cases.
Once your dataset is ready, you have to somehow convert it into a language that your machine can understand. It doesn’t know initially what we want from these images.
For this case, there are several options available:
Unsupervised segmentation of images using Watershed or Canny Edge detection can be found useful in many cases which are general and not too detailed images. In our case, it does not provide us desirable results.
You can also label your dataset manually. Manual annotation will allow you to extract information specific to your images. It also helps to create more accurate labels and features for your dataset.
There are many image annotation tools available on Github offered by different developers, you can use any of them according to your choice.
Once you have settled on your input dataset, you need to train your model using this dataset. In this case, a trained model is equivalent to a Neural or Deep Learning Network weighted to match the features of your data.
Once you have labeled the images with help of a tool, you have noticed that your records are stored in XML format (in most cases, some tools store it directly in the csv format). We need to convert these records from XML format to csv format, as this will help us in further steps that we encounter later in this tutorial.
This code defines two folders: train and test, and also converts the image output from XML to csv.
Now you have a csv file for both the training and testing data. Our next step is to generate our TensorFlow records from these csv files. To proceed, you will need to install a few libraries
Now we can create a template. The first step is to define your csv input path from where this script can pick up the csv files. These are the files that we created in the previous step. You also need to define your output path, or where you want to save the TensorFlow records which will be created during script execution. Then, you need to define a function that returns a value of "1" whenever row_label matches your label name. In this context, the label is the column name assigned during annotation.
Next, define a create_tf function that will eventually convert these csv files into TensorFlow records. For this function, you have to extract all the information which is present in the csv file. You can do this by following the below function.
Change this function according to the features you want to define. After this just wrap up your python file by defining main function according to your need, your TensorFlow records are ready. You can find the code of this script in our GitHub repository. After all this done, we are left with our data: files of XML records, CSV records, and TF records. We now need a TF record file to do the learning process.
Here, we have two options. We can use a pre-trained model, and then use transfer learning to learn a new object, or we could learn new objects entirely from scratch. The benefit of transfer learning is that training can be much quicker, and the required data that you might need is much less. For this reason, we are going to be doing transfer learning here.
There are a number of pre-trained models available within the TensorFlow library. We recommend either DeepLabv3 or MobileNet. MobileNet is particularly suitable for beginners and users with limited computational power. Below are the files required to run MobileNet.
Download MobileNet (pre-trained TensorFlow model for object detection) tar file link
Download configuration file for MobileNet link
Download manually on Windows or fetch these files using the wget command on Linux. Put config in the training directory, and extract ssd_mobilenet_v1 in the models/object_detection directory. In the configuration file, you need to search for all of the PATH_TO_BE_CONFIGURED points and change them. You may also want to modify the batch size. In our configuration file, it is set to 36. Other models may have different batch sizes. If you get a memory error, you can try to decrease the batch size to get the model to fit in your VRAM. Finally, you must change the checkpointname/path, num_classesto1, num_examplesto12, and label_map_path to training/object-detect.pbtxt.
Your steps start at 1 and the loss will be much higher. Depending on your GPU and volume of training data, this process will take varying amounts of time. On a nVidia GeForce 1080ti or similar processor, it should only take about a day or so. If you have a lot of training data, it might take much longer. You want to aim for a loss of well under 2, and ideally about ~1 on average or less.
In the models/object_detection directory, there is a Python script called export_inference_graph.py. To run this, you just need to pass in your checkpoint and pipeline config, then whatever directory you want the inference graph to be saved. For example:
Your checkpoint files should be in the training directory. Next, make sure the pipeline_config_path is set to whatever config file you chose, and then finally choose the name for the output directory, we went with bacillaria_inference_graph. Run the above command from models/object_detection. If you get an error that the module named nets is required, then you need to re-run models/object_detection.
Otherwise, you should have a new directory, in our case is bacillaria_inference_graph, inside this new directory, we find new checkpoint data, a saved_model directory, and the forzen_inference_graph.pbfile. This last item is the most important contents of the directory. Booting up Jupyter notebook and opening the bacillaria_detection.ipynb (whch can be found in the Github repo), let us make a few changes. First, head to the Variables section, change the model name as well as the paths to the checkpoint and the labels.
Finally, in the Detection section, change TEST_IMAGE_PATHS to:
If you get errors or do not get satisfactory results, this might be due to two factors: poor annotation of the source data, or an ill-suited pre-trained model relative to your input data. Look over the annotation for inconsistencies. If this does not result in an improvement, try other pre-trained models at in the TensorFlow library.
[1] Shorten, C. and Khoshgoftaar, T.M. (2019). A survey on Image Data Augmentation for Deep Learning. Journal of Big Data, 6, 60.
Last updated
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